Moving Well, Moving With Joy

What IS Soft Acrobatics?

Soft acrobatics is a practice about effortlessness and longevity. There is no competition, there are no prizes. To know the aim of our practice we can ask: “what do I want to practice for?”

For me, the short answer is
”I practice for wellbeing”.

And that is how I teach my students as well. The acrobatic skills are what’s visible from afar.
But within, we have a deep care for our long-term health. We aim to improve strength, flexibility and coordination over time. The soft acrobatic skills are subtle measures of progress, reminding us of how far we’ve come on our journey.

At the core of the practice is efficient movement. It is that, which allows acrobatic skills to appear soft and what enables us to get up from the ground in one swift and elegant motion in a way that feels joyful inside and looks like effortless effort on the outside.

Move well,
with joy,